
Thursday, February 18, 2016

14 Week Home Organization Challenge - Weeks 4 & 5 - Launch Pad & Living Room

Okay...we're almost caught up now! I planned on posting these two weeks together since they are in the same space.
 I was not very excited about these weeks.  This is our 'grown-ups only' room. No toys allowed. The room that I loved so much, that used to be my favorite place in the house, had somehow turned into just a room in the house. How did that happen?? After some thought, I realized when it may have happened. It was a very slow process. First, the baby items came in. I expected this, and I know they won't be here long. But then the snow came, and with it all the hats, gloves, scarves, etc. They all piled up by the door. It just started to feel like stuff was cluttered everywhere. I got right to work clearing out all the extras. Once it was all done, I walked into the room so many times throughout the day just to soak it all it. My favorite room is back!
Let's get to it, shall we?
Here is our entry table. With Valentine decorations that were never properly displayed. And the basket of winter items. And the baby's car seat. Ugh.

And a close up in case you can't see all the crazy!
This is the view looking from the kitchen.

I decided it was time for the Valentine's Day things to go. Valentine's is over now, so we don't need to see it anymore. I took the car seat and moved it by the garage door for now so it can stay in the car. I also refreshed my flowers and updated our picture in the frame.
So much better!! I'm planning on getting a new candle for the candle holder!
Next was the living room area.
From the kitchen entry and around...

This crooked picture is what happens when I hold my phone above my head and try to get a wider shot! :D
I finished removing all the Valentine's related décor. Put the pillows back on the couch, and rearranged the items on the shelf.
I also pulled the rug closer to the couch and tucked it under a bit. Pinterest said that would help the room feel more grounded. Haha. We'll see!

I also dusted off the TV stand and rearranged our little bird family on there ♥

 This whole process, including shaking out the rug, and moving it, and vacuuming the room, took less than 30 minutes. It was definitely a much needed transformation. The room is so much more peaceful again!!

You can see the full challenge here: (I will update as I go!)
Week 1 - Kitchen
Week 2 - Pantry
Week 3 - Dining Room
THIS IS WEEKS 4 & 5 :)
Week 6 - Master Bedroom
7 - Master Closet
Week 8 - Kid's Closet
Week 9 - Linen Closet
Week 10 - Bathrooms
Week 11 - Office
Week 12 - Playroom
Week 13 - Laundry Room
Week 14 - Garage/Car

Do you have a favorite room in your house? Stop by and let me know!!

You can follow along with A Bowl Full of Lemons to Organize your home in 14 weeks, too!! This week, I'm working on the Master Bedroom!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

14 Week Home Organization Challenge - Week 3 - Dining Room

So, I was sitting down to write up the post for weeks 4 & 5 and I realized that I never even shared week 3!! I can't believe it. First, that makes me a little farther behind than I thought. Second...oh my gosh! I was so excited about this week! I know exactly what happened, though. It fell on the snow week....everything has been messed up since then!!

But, have no is week 3...the dining room! I initially thought I wouldn't be doing much in here. A little dusting and rearranging maybe, but nothing too serious. Let me tell you, I was wrong!!
I was talking to Austin about a 'maybe' idea that I had. He sat and listened through the entire process. A few minutes later, I had to get up to go lay the little down for nap. When I cam back down stairs, he was already moving things!! Yay!!
Here is the photo I snapped at the end of week to as my 'peek' into my dining room
And one I took as I was heading upstairs (obviously on a different day where much more chaos was involved! :D
And my awesome husband moving the cabinet upstairs...
And the afters...
I have a real coffee/tea bar now! ♥ All in one spot!
 Updated this morning after I took down all the Valentine's...
Did you notice my sweet little creamer cow??? I was SO excited to finally find this over the weekend!!

Isn't she beautiful??

 I was even able to make a little 'bar' area on the counter where the coffee machine used to be! It's perfect!
 I don't know how I didn't get a full dining room shot after we finished, but I got my favorite parts. I will try and update with one later...
For now I am going to leave you with this 'peek' into our living room and launch pad area (week 4 & 5) I know it's not a true peek, but our dog was being a creeper and it made me laugh!!
I will have the Launch Pad week and Living room week posted together (probably tomorrow!!)
In the mean time, head over to Facebook and let me know if you have a pet that likes to be a creeper sometimes! :D

You can see the full challenge here: (I will update as I go!)
Week 1 - Kitchen
Week 2 - Pantry
Week 4 & 5 - Launch Pad & Living Room
Week 6 - Master Bedroom
Week 7 - Master Closet
Week 8 - Kid's Closet
Week 9 - Linen Closet
Week 10 - Bathrooms
Week 11 - Office
Week 12 - Playroom
Week 13 - Laundry Room
Week 14 - Garage/Car

You can also find me on Instagram and Pinterest!!

I am following along with A Bowl Full of Lemons for this 14 week challenge!
They are on Facebook, too! :D

Monday, February 15, 2016

Menu Plan Monday

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's Day! 

 Our meal plan last week did not get executed like it was supposed to. I was not feeling well. At. All. I had a headache for days! It seems to be easing off a little now...I think the craziness of trying to get back to my routine after the kids were off school for two weeks caught up to me. The good news is, we have extra meals!
This week, I will also be sharing the 14 week home organization challenges that I haven't posted yet! Don't worry, I'm still hanging in with that! :)

Friday, I hosted my first Essential Oil Make and Take. It was a lot of fun! I had four stations set up - Citrus Sugar scrub, Headache/allergy roller, Peppermint Lip scrub, and Lavender room spray. Somehow, I only managed to get one picture while I was setting everything up. Next time, I promise to have more!! I am participating in a girl's night out pampering event this week, so I will be getting some there for sure, and doing a post about what we made.
That makes a couple fun posts headed your way soon!
Here is our menu for the week:
No school or work today!
Leftovers for dinner
Cupcakes for dessert


Ingredients: Ground beef, Cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa, sour cream, tortillas

Potato Ham Bake (This recipe calls for fresh asparagus. It did not turn out well for me, so I use frozen asparagus. I just chop it up while frozen, and throw it right in. Works great! Every time!)

Ingredients: Yukon Gold potatoes, cream cheese with chives, ham, asparagus, parmesan cheese, milk

Pork tenderloin, rice, green beans


Ingredients: pizza dough, spinach, mozzarella, feta, grape tomatoes

Chili & Cornbread

Ingredients: Ground beef, kidney beans, diced tomatoes, tomato soup, onion, garlic, chili powder, cumin, your favorite cornbread recipe, or a box mix, cheese and/or sour cream for topping)

Cheesy Chicken, Broccoli, & Rice Casserole (A new one-pot dish I'm excited to try!)

Ingredients: Chicken, broccoli, rice, onion, garlic, cream of chicken, chicken broth, cheddar)

What are you eating this week??

I am linking up with Menu Plan Monday. You can find tons of menu ideas there! Lots of people even include their breakfast and lunch menus! Ours are usually the same, so unless it's something great, I just leave that part out.

You can also check out my other pages