
Saturday, January 10, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meals and Snack Ideas | Day 6 | Shake

I have another delicious shake recipe for you today. I stocked up on bags of different frozen fruits so I would have a nice variety for my shakes, as well as smoothies for the boys.

Today, I chose pineapple and banana with spinach and my chocolate shake mix.

1 Red
1 Purple

I think I may be drinking this combo for a few days. It is really yummy!!
How do you like your shakes??

Friday, January 9, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meals and Snack Ideas | Day 5 | Snack

Snack time is my weakness. I would much rather grab a bag of chips than take the time to make something. Sometimes, I am able to plan ahead. This was the case this week. I made up a batch of hard-boiled eggs to eat throughout the week.

So easy for a quick morning snack to hold me over until lunch time. And it's only 1Red!

 I don't really like eating the yolk all the time, so I usually just take one of them out.

I like to eat my hard boiled eggs with salt. Lots of it. I know this is not good. To modify, I add pepper, and just a little salt. Yum!!

This could also be added to some bacon and fruit for a delicious breakfast!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meals and Snack Ideas | Day 4 | Breakfast

Today's post is all about breakfast! Do you remember when I shared about the Roasted Saigon Cinnamon I found at the grocery store?? It's back! If you haven't tried this stuff yet, you should really find it and try it already. You will not be disappointed. I promise!!

Today, I filled my red container with some plain vanilla yogurt, dumped it into a bowl, and added cinnamon. I did this all while I was waiting for my waffle to toast.

That's all! Easy peasy. No excuse breakfast.

1 Red
1 Yellow

What are you eating today??

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meal and Snack Ideas | Day 3 | Snack

I have another delicious snack for you today!!

Last month, I found a recipe for this honey whole wheat bread. I add flax, sunflower seeds, and oats to mine. It is SO good, y'all! I like to eat it toasted the best.

Today, I just added some of my teaspoons of peanut butter onto a toasted piece of this bread. All the grains are so filling. It definitely made a great snack!!
I used
1 Yellow
3 Teaspoons (You can definitely use more/less depending on the rest of the day's meal plan!)

I think any kind of nut butter or seed butter would be good on this bread. I may try it with sunflower butter next! :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meals and Snack Ideas | Day 2 | Shake

Shake, shake, shake....

Okay, seriously. I love having shakes. Especially chocolatey ones! It's like a daily dose of chocolate that doesn't make you feel guilty afterwards!

The shake I am sharing today is my go-to. I always know it will taste good, no matter what.  I like to use a half of a banana, some frozen strawberries (I buy fresh when they are in season!), some kind of nut butter (today I chose Almond Butter), a handful of spinach, and my shake mix. This all adds up to

1 Purple
1 Green
1 Red
3 teaspoons

Today I chose to use the GNC Total Lean Shake 25. If I am out of Shakeology, this is my substitute of choice. I love it. The taste is amazing!! (The packaging does not lie!)

I also found this little sample packet of almond butter at a local natural market down the road form our house, so I decided to give it a go, too. There were lots of different options, so I grabbed some different ones, also.

 Just throw everything in the blender, and give it a whirl! It's so good, it just might become your go-to drink, too! :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meal and Snack Ideas | Day 1 | Snack

This month I will be sharing recipes!! 21 of them to be exact!! :)

Are you doing the 21 Day Fix? I love it. I have to admit, I don't do the workouts everyday. Life just gets in the way, and  I really suck at making sure I make time for me. That hasn't stopped me from trying to stick with the meal plan, though. Because of that, I have decided to share some of my favorites with you. I will be sharing a variety of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, and shakes! I hope you enjoy!!

The first snack I want to share has become one of my favorites! It is something I have multiple times a week. It's so delicious, and if you make enough of it, it could be a small meal. It could also be added to a dinner as a side dish. I have definitely eaten it all three ways! Are you ready to know what it is???

Cucumber, Tomato, Mozzarella Salad.
This snack used:
2 Greens  (I used my purple container to hold the tomatoes, but I measured them in the green!)
1 Blue (The cheese stick fit perfectly in here once it was all cut up)
1 Orange ( You could really get away with only 1/2 orange of the dressing on this. The whole thing was a lot!!)

If you only use half of the dressing, you could also add some olives in here. I keep forgetting to buy some when I'm at the store, so I haven't tried it that way. Yet...

I get one cucumber, one or two roma tomatoes (depending on how big they are), and a Sargento cheese stick. I dice everything up, throw it in a bowl, and top it with some Balsamic Vinaigrette. YUM!!! Just like that. Super easy! Now go make your own to enjoy!! :)