
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meals and Snack Ideas | Day 2 | Shake

Shake, shake, shake....

Okay, seriously. I love having shakes. Especially chocolatey ones! It's like a daily dose of chocolate that doesn't make you feel guilty afterwards!

The shake I am sharing today is my go-to. I always know it will taste good, no matter what.  I like to use a half of a banana, some frozen strawberries (I buy fresh when they are in season!), some kind of nut butter (today I chose Almond Butter), a handful of spinach, and my shake mix. This all adds up to

1 Purple
1 Green
1 Red
3 teaspoons

Today I chose to use the GNC Total Lean Shake 25. If I am out of Shakeology, this is my substitute of choice. I love it. The taste is amazing!! (The packaging does not lie!)

I also found this little sample packet of almond butter at a local natural market down the road form our house, so I decided to give it a go, too. There were lots of different options, so I grabbed some different ones, also.

 Just throw everything in the blender, and give it a whirl! It's so good, it just might become your go-to drink, too! :)

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