
Monday, December 28, 2015

Intro to Essential Oils - Seed to Seal and Beyond - Part 2

Today is all about the oils!! Some of them anyways. There are 10 Essential Oils included in the Premium Starter Kit. I'll be sharing half of them today, and half on another post so you don't get too overwhelmed! :D

I want to start with my number one favorite! It's called Stress Away. The name alone should tell you how amazing it is. This is one of my daily oils that I use in my morning routine. Just a dab on my wrists, and I am good to go!

Next up is Lavender. This is a always must-have in this house. We use it for just about everything! Especially for calming down crazy boys! :D I am so thankful that I can add this to me Essential Rewards order any time I need it so we don't run out! Such an amazing oil with so many uses!

 #3 -  Thieves. This oil is so amazing, it has its own line of products! This one is the first one in my diffuser blend when anyone in the house starts to feel sick. I have also used it in my  toothpaste to make my mouth feel oh so fresh!

 #4 - Frankincense! I had no idea how useful this one would be! I put a few drops in my facial moisturizer!

 The last oil I'm going to share about today is peppermint. I used this one so much during my fall semester. Every time I had to take an exam, I always made sure I had a bottle close by.  I love the smell, and it was great for helping to keep me alert during economics and algebra!

 I hope you are enjoying learning about these oils so far!  I will be back soon with another post sharing the rest of the oils in the starter kit and how I use them in my every day life!

You can view Part one of this post  HERE

For daily updates, visit me on Facebook or Instagram!
To order your very own Young Living Starter Kit, you can visit Young Living Online

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Intro to Essential Oils - Seed to Seal and Beyond - Part 1

Hey friends!

Today I want to talk a little about getting started with Essential Oils. This will end up being a multi-post series, and I will have the corresponding links to each when I am all done!

It was one year ago this month (December 10 to be exact!) that I decided to purchase my Premium Starter Kit from Young Living. This was not a quick decision for me. I researched the heck out of oils. For MONTHS. I didn't want to spend $160 and end up with something I was never going to use. I am so grateful that I had a friend ready and willing to answer all my questions, and walk me through everything so patiently! (Thank you, Rachel!) I eventually decided that it could be on my Christmas wish list, and worst case, I end up using them to just make my house smell good and that would be it.

It took another 6 months or so before I REALLY started using them for more than just diffusing. We added a couple drops of lavender to a small spray bottle, and that became "Bedtime Spray" for the boys. This is what got my husband hooked. Just a few sprays around the room and on the pillows as the boys were getting ready for bed, and they were so calm and ready to fall right to sleep! Seriously.

Since then, we have used our oils for just about everything from colds, runny noses, muscle aches, calming, energy (smelling peppermint got me through a LOT of exams this semester!), boo-boos, cleaning, cuts, bruises, headaches, pregnancy, and SO much more!

One of the biggest deciding factors for me choosing Young Living was their Seed to Seal process. Young Living is 100% committed to providing the best products possible.

There are three ways you can use your oils, depending on which one it is, and what you want it to do for you - Aromatically (My favorite!), Topically, or internally

For applying topically, sometimes you might want/need to use a carrier oil. As mentioned above, a carrier oil can be coconut oil (this is the one I use most), v6 vegetable oil, grape seed oil, or other oils like these.

In the next post, I will be sharing about some of the oils that some with the Everyday Oils collection that is included in the Premium Starter Kit! I hope you are as excited as I am! Which one are you most looking forward to learning more about??

When you're ready, here is  PART 2

For daily info and updates, please visit my Facebook page
or follow me on Instagram!

Monday, December 7, 2015


Hi friends!

In the spirit of Christmas, I want to do a giveaway!
I will be giving away two samples of Young Living's Peppermint oil. This oil is perfect for the winter season! You can add a few drops to your brownies for a festive treat! It also smells amazing when diffused!

But that's not all!! I am also giving a $10 credit to one lucky person who decides to purchase a starter kit! The starter kit was one of the best purchases I have ever made, and I would love to share the opportunity with you!

So, what do you have to do??
Easy! Just invite your friends to like my page, Life Coastie Style on facebook, and comment on the pinned post when you have done so! I will then randomly pick the three lucky winners next Monday! That gives you a whole week!! Good luck!

For more information on any Young Living Products, please visit: Young Living or feel free to message me from my page! :)

Fine print:
This giveaway is in no way connected with Facebook or Blogger.
The oils and $10 credit are coming from my personal inventory, and account, not Young Living.
The $10 credit will be issued via PayPal.
If you decide to become a wholesale member with Young Living, you must join under my member ID number (2322868) to receive the $10 credit.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Quick Snacks | 21 Day Fix

If you follow me on Facebook, you know that I started doing the 21 Day Fix again. I think this is my most favorite workout routine ever. I love how simple the meal plan is, and Autumn is so motivational!

Today, I wanted to share a quick tip for prepping snacks. I know if I don't have these things readily available, I will be too lazy to take the time to prepare them when I'm hungry. That leads to reaching for already prepared, most of the time unhealthy, snacks. I always buy extra carrots and celery when I go grocery shopping. This way, I can come home and cut a bunch up and have them ready any time.

A few essential items to have:
*a good knife
*a vegetable peeler
*cutting board (you don't want to scratch up your counters!)
*food storage containers - I recommend Tupperware FridgeSmarts. I absolutely love them. I have been using them over 10 years. They are so helpful for keeping the fridge organized and extending the life of your produce!

 That's our Remy in the background! He's waiting on me to drop something! He loves his veggies, too!

I peel the carrots first and chop them up in to handy sized sticks. Then, I give the celery a quick rinse and dry and do the same. I'll be honest and say that this does NOT happen the day I come home from the grocery store! Usually I am rushing to get dinner ready or some other more important task. I just throw it all in the fridge and find some time in the next day or two to get it done. It really only takes a few minutes, and the results are so rewarding!

And, just like that, all the produce is ready for the week!

I am not a Beachbody coach, but if you would like to learn more about the 21 Day Fix, I recommend getting in touch with my friend Jennifer at Jennifer Medeiros Fit! She's is my awesome coach, and would be able to answer any questions you might have!

I will be sharing my meal plan for this week soon, along with a printable calendar for tracking meals and snacks!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How to rock your mornings!

Hey hey!!
Yesterday, I shared this photo on my Facebook page. These three oils have become such a big part of my mornings. So big, that I will make sure I never run out of them!

The first one all the way on the left is Joy. I honestly was not a big fan of this one when I first got my Premium Starter Kit from Young Living. Until a friend challenged my to put a drop over my heart one morning and see how I felt. All I could say was, "Wow!" I was amazed at how much calmer I felt that morning. Some of the oils in this blend include Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Rosewood, and Lemon. This blend is said to help calm anxiety, relieve tension, and ease stress, among other things! This oil alone is a great start to any day!
The green bottle in the middle is Stress Away. This one is probably my favorite of all the oils in my collection. I mean, the name alone should tell you why! It smells amazing. Lime, vanilla, Cedarwood, and Lavender are some of the oils in this blend. If you follow my Facebook page, you may have seen that we use a blend of Cedarwood and Lavender for our bedtime spray for the kids. You will not believe how quick it calms them all down. Stress Away also helps with stress (obviously!), tension, anxiety, and helps you stay focused. I dab a drop of this one on each wrist after the Joy goes over my heart!
And last, but certainly not least is Valor. This is the new Valor blend from Young Living. It includes Frankincense, Bergamot, Rosewood, and Ylang Ylang in its blend. Along with its calming properties, this uplifting oil also gives feelings of empowerment. I apply a drop on the back of my neck.

There you have it! My three oils essential for a great morning. Since I have been using them, my mornings are so easy to get started! Paired with a good cup of coffee, I feel like I can take on the world! (For a few hours, at least!) :)

Do you have a favorite oil/blend that you use daily? I would love to hear about it!!

For more oil uses, you can visit Life Coastie Style on Facebook

Feel free to message me on Facebook, or leave a comment here if you have any questions!

To purchase your own Starter Kit, or any oils, you can visit Young Living online  Just enter Member/Sponsor # 2322868 :D

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Fall Decor & Buffet Makeover

              I am so excited to share this post today! I have been wanting a buffet for a while now. I could just never find one that I liked, or justify the cost of the ones I did like. I recently found someone selling this buffet on a local sale site, and thought it would be the perfect project! I forgot to get a before picture before we started pulling the knobs and doors off. Luckily, I was able to grab these screenshots of the sale post!

               The seller had already refinished this piece with a gray chalk paint. Thankfully, it was never sealed, so that saved me a lot of work! I had an idea of what I wanted the finished product to look like. I couldn't find the color of chalk paint that I wanted, but after a very helpful associate at Lowes, I learned that I could paint right over the existing chalk paint with regular interior paint, and as long as I sealed it, there would be no problems! That opened up a whole world of color options!!

                I ended up finding the perfect color in the Sherwin Williams HGTV Home line. It's called Amelia's Wings. I may have been a *little* biased towards this color since our new little baby girl is named Amelia. But- it is the exact color I had in mind, so it worked out great!
I got right to work painting the first coat on!

               For the top, I used Valspar's Dark Earth. I love how perfectly it compliments the bottom.

                I finished it off with some matching knobs. Finding the perfect ones were almost as hard as choosing a paint color!!

I am so in love with how this turned out. I think for my first makeover project, it was a success! I can't wait to do another!

 I found this chalkboard easel at WalMart, and the quote on Pinterest. The leaf and little pumpkin came from the dollar store!

 My husband made this awesome little wood box for me (Yay for scrap wood!!) It hold just the right amount of seasonal décor, and I'm really looking forward to using it throughout the year!

The filler in the basket is a mix of items from Hobby Lobby and Michael's
This glittery pumpkin is from the dollar store also. The vase in the back is a duplicate one that I got flowers in. I just spray painted it white. The wheat décor is from Hobby Lobby.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Happy Fall Y'all!!

Man, have I been gone long or what??
Life has been so busy lately...3 kids, another on the way (she's here now!) end of school, summer, me starting school, and having a newborn will really leave you with no blogging time! But I found a few minutes today, and I want to share some of my Fall setup with you!
Fall is my most favorite time of year. I love the weather, the comfy clothes (leggings are my favorite!) everything pumpkin, apple picking, baking...I could go on and on...
This week I slowly started bringing out my fall decorations, and realized I don't really have too many. Just loads of pumpkins. We need to work on that! So far, I think this is my favorite little corner in the house.

I scored this chair for $10 on a resale site here! I was so excited. I found this cute little pumpkin pillow on Amazon that sits perfectly on it. (I love Amazon!) The FALL blocks, I have had for a few years, and I don't remember where they came from.
I will be updating with more fall home photos as I get it done, but I just couldn't wait to share this today! I also have my first furniture remodel to share with you! Be sure to check back for those updates!

Happy Fall!

Monday, January 12, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meals and Snack Ideas | Day 7 | Lunch | Salad

Hi again!

Today, we're having lunch! I really enjoy eating a salad. It's a great way to get in lots of veggies. Today I added some protein, and it was delicious!

Salad with Ham:
2 Green
1 Red
1 Orange

For my dressing, I used this Newman's Own Balsamic Vinaigrette. It's has all natural ingredients, and goes to profit! How can you beat that?! ( I know it's not homemade, or out of the book, but this is what I chose. My choices, my journey, right?? You can certainly use the recipe in the book instead!) :D 

My  salad consisted of romaine lettuce, red onions, tomatoes, carrots, and some deli ham that I shredded. I think this is one of my favorite ways to eat salad!

See you tomorrow with another great meal idea!! :D

Saturday, January 10, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meals and Snack Ideas | Day 6 | Shake

I have another delicious shake recipe for you today. I stocked up on bags of different frozen fruits so I would have a nice variety for my shakes, as well as smoothies for the boys.

Today, I chose pineapple and banana with spinach and my chocolate shake mix.

1 Red
1 Purple

I think I may be drinking this combo for a few days. It is really yummy!!
How do you like your shakes??

Friday, January 9, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meals and Snack Ideas | Day 5 | Snack

Snack time is my weakness. I would much rather grab a bag of chips than take the time to make something. Sometimes, I am able to plan ahead. This was the case this week. I made up a batch of hard-boiled eggs to eat throughout the week.

So easy for a quick morning snack to hold me over until lunch time. And it's only 1Red!

 I don't really like eating the yolk all the time, so I usually just take one of them out.

I like to eat my hard boiled eggs with salt. Lots of it. I know this is not good. To modify, I add pepper, and just a little salt. Yum!!

This could also be added to some bacon and fruit for a delicious breakfast!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meals and Snack Ideas | Day 4 | Breakfast

Today's post is all about breakfast! Do you remember when I shared about the Roasted Saigon Cinnamon I found at the grocery store?? It's back! If you haven't tried this stuff yet, you should really find it and try it already. You will not be disappointed. I promise!!

Today, I filled my red container with some plain vanilla yogurt, dumped it into a bowl, and added cinnamon. I did this all while I was waiting for my waffle to toast.

That's all! Easy peasy. No excuse breakfast.

1 Red
1 Yellow

What are you eating today??

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meal and Snack Ideas | Day 3 | Snack

I have another delicious snack for you today!!

Last month, I found a recipe for this honey whole wheat bread. I add flax, sunflower seeds, and oats to mine. It is SO good, y'all! I like to eat it toasted the best.

Today, I just added some of my teaspoons of peanut butter onto a toasted piece of this bread. All the grains are so filling. It definitely made a great snack!!
I used
1 Yellow
3 Teaspoons (You can definitely use more/less depending on the rest of the day's meal plan!)

I think any kind of nut butter or seed butter would be good on this bread. I may try it with sunflower butter next! :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

21 Day Fix | 21 Days of Meals and Snack Ideas | Day 2 | Shake

Shake, shake, shake....

Okay, seriously. I love having shakes. Especially chocolatey ones! It's like a daily dose of chocolate that doesn't make you feel guilty afterwards!

The shake I am sharing today is my go-to. I always know it will taste good, no matter what.  I like to use a half of a banana, some frozen strawberries (I buy fresh when they are in season!), some kind of nut butter (today I chose Almond Butter), a handful of spinach, and my shake mix. This all adds up to

1 Purple
1 Green
1 Red
3 teaspoons

Today I chose to use the GNC Total Lean Shake 25. If I am out of Shakeology, this is my substitute of choice. I love it. The taste is amazing!! (The packaging does not lie!)

I also found this little sample packet of almond butter at a local natural market down the road form our house, so I decided to give it a go, too. There were lots of different options, so I grabbed some different ones, also.

 Just throw everything in the blender, and give it a whirl! It's so good, it just might become your go-to drink, too! :)