
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Go, go, go

     I have been SO busy this week! I am sitting down now for the first time since Sunday! I don't know what has been going on in our house, but it all just seems "off." Know what I mean? I feel like I haven't been home much, and of course, neither has the hubs. We were out all day Monday! By all day, I don't just mean we were out for a few hours. I mean ALL.DAY. We went and met some friends in the morning for a playdate, had lunch, went to K's 2 year check up, got home and i left to go shoot a wedding, came home and had to get ready for a Tupperware meeting! And that was just Monday!
     I missed posting my menu plan for the week-nothing exciting, so you aren't missing anything! I missed posting Tupperware for yesterday- this just means I will have something awesome next week. Maybe even a big sale!
     And here it is Wednesday, and I have nothing "usual" to post. I ahve lots of things in draft, so I will work on finalizing them and getting them out over the enxt few days. Maybe tomorrow.
Friday and Saturday it will not happen, though. I am going to Connecticut for a photography meetup. I am SO. EXCITED! I can't wait to get back and share everything!
But for now, I must go get some sleep!

Until next time,

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