
Monday, December 31, 2012

Menu Plan Monday!

I almost forgot it was Monday today! The holidays sure have me confused as to what day it is! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Our was great! This was the first year we didn't drive anywhere! We stayed in our pjs all day and just enjoyed family time!
I can't believe it is the last day of 2012 already! I am working on my goals for 2013 for myself, my family, and my business. Do you have any big goals you are trying to achieve next year?
For Christmas, one of the things my husband got me was a new calendar. I use lots of calendars throughout the year for different things, and this one instantly became my menu calendar! I keep it on the fridge so I can see it everyday, so it has to be lightweight so the magnet will hold it. It's perfect ! I even have it all filled out for January already!

Here's what is on the menu this week!

Monday- finger foods for New Years Eve celebration

Tuesday- Black-eyed peas and jalapeno cornbread (Does anyone else have this New Year's Day tradition?

Wednesday- Tuna casserole (my son LOVES this dish and my husband HATES it, so I only make it on duty nights!)

Thursday- Breakfast!!

Friday- Homemade pizza night- I think we might do calzones this week!

Saturday- Chicken, fried apples, and green beans

Sunday- cheeseburger meatloaf and potatoes

What are you cooking this week? Don't forget to visit I'm an Organizing Junkie for more menu plans and lots of menu planning tips!!
I am looking forward to getting lots of use out of my many calndars this year. They are so helpful to me for organizing everything. I also have lots of blog posts lined up for the week, so be sure to check back! You can also visit me on Facebook HERE!

See you soon!


  1. MPM definitely keeps me on track. I actually look forward to Mondays!
    This New Year's Eve, I'm staying home, cleaning our house and doing some blog visiting. Hubby had to work so it will be quiet.
    Your menu plan looks delicious.
    Have a wonderful week and a Happy New Year!

    1. Your New Year's Eve sounded a LOT like mine! Very low key because the hubs was working!
      I hope you have a great week!
      Happy New YEar to you, too!
