
Monday, January 25, 2016

Menu Plan Monday - Snowed In!

Welcome to another week!
We got hit with a massive snowstorm over the weekend. All the snow broke the record for Maryland! We got around 30 inches!

The winds were so crazy and created some pretty amazing (and huge!)drifts. We went and took a little walk around the neighborhood yesterday afternoon.

Here is our menu for this week I am trying out a couple new recipes! I'll have the links included :)

Leftover night!
    We have pizza, taco soup, and
chicken and wild rice casserole (This was supposed to be soup from last week's menu, but I forgot to put it in the crock pot! You can find the recipe in the "Recipe" tab)

Chicken Quesadillas
Spanish Rice

Pork Fried Rice

Pierogies with Kielbasa and cabbage

Greek Pizza (we haven't had this one in a while, so I am very excited!)
Garlic bread
We had to reschedule last weekend's birthday party, so I wanted something easy. When I made lasagna a few weeks ago, there was enough for another pan! Tonight will be a thaw and reheat night! :)

Steak Chili
Jalapeno and cheese Cornbread
Last time I made jalapeno cornbread, I added chipotle cheese. It was very tasty! Even my picky 5 year old loved it!

What are you eating this week??
Come visit me and let me know!

For more recipe ideas, be sure to check out the site I am linking up with for Menu Plan Monday

See you next week!


  1. I have not thought to add chipotle cheese to corn muffins! I bet that would be really good! I will have to give it a try. Thanks for the tip.

    1. I love adding cheese to our cornbread. It gives it such a different flavor! This chipotle cheese was delicious in it! Especially with the chili :)

  2. I haven't seen that chipotle cheese. Sounds amazing!

    Your snow pictures are pretty but I'm awfully glad we didn't get any. I'm ready for spring - ha!

    I followed you here from the linkup at I'm an Organizing Junkie. I'd love for you to take a peek at my blog:

    Have a great week.

    1. The Chipotle cheese is my husband's new favorite! It also made a great addition to the cornbread! Even my super picky 5 year old liked it! :)

  3. Looks like you have a tasty week planned :) I hope you can stop by:


  4. Glad ya'll weathered the storm!!!
    Your meal plan looks fantastic, it all sounds so delicious!!! Come see what I'm cooking this week @

  5. Looks like a great menu for the week! I love Pierogies,Kielbasa and cabbage! You guys have more snow than we do in MN! Enjoy your week!

  6. Looks like a delicious week!
    Have a good week.
