
Monday, December 28, 2015

Intro to Essential Oils - Seed to Seal and Beyond - Part 2

Today is all about the oils!! Some of them anyways. There are 10 Essential Oils included in the Premium Starter Kit. I'll be sharing half of them today, and half on another post so you don't get too overwhelmed! :D

I want to start with my number one favorite! It's called Stress Away. The name alone should tell you how amazing it is. This is one of my daily oils that I use in my morning routine. Just a dab on my wrists, and I am good to go!

Next up is Lavender. This is a always must-have in this house. We use it for just about everything! Especially for calming down crazy boys! :D I am so thankful that I can add this to me Essential Rewards order any time I need it so we don't run out! Such an amazing oil with so many uses!

 #3 -  Thieves. This oil is so amazing, it has its own line of products! This one is the first one in my diffuser blend when anyone in the house starts to feel sick. I have also used it in my  toothpaste to make my mouth feel oh so fresh!

 #4 - Frankincense! I had no idea how useful this one would be! I put a few drops in my facial moisturizer!

 The last oil I'm going to share about today is peppermint. I used this one so much during my fall semester. Every time I had to take an exam, I always made sure I had a bottle close by.  I love the smell, and it was great for helping to keep me alert during economics and algebra!

 I hope you are enjoying learning about these oils so far!  I will be back soon with another post sharing the rest of the oils in the starter kit and how I use them in my every day life!

You can view Part one of this post  HERE

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To order your very own Young Living Starter Kit, you can visit Young Living Online