
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Quick Snacks | 21 Day Fix

If you follow me on Facebook, you know that I started doing the 21 Day Fix again. I think this is my most favorite workout routine ever. I love how simple the meal plan is, and Autumn is so motivational!

Today, I wanted to share a quick tip for prepping snacks. I know if I don't have these things readily available, I will be too lazy to take the time to prepare them when I'm hungry. That leads to reaching for already prepared, most of the time unhealthy, snacks. I always buy extra carrots and celery when I go grocery shopping. This way, I can come home and cut a bunch up and have them ready any time.

A few essential items to have:
*a good knife
*a vegetable peeler
*cutting board (you don't want to scratch up your counters!)
*food storage containers - I recommend Tupperware FridgeSmarts. I absolutely love them. I have been using them over 10 years. They are so helpful for keeping the fridge organized and extending the life of your produce!

 That's our Remy in the background! He's waiting on me to drop something! He loves his veggies, too!

I peel the carrots first and chop them up in to handy sized sticks. Then, I give the celery a quick rinse and dry and do the same. I'll be honest and say that this does NOT happen the day I come home from the grocery store! Usually I am rushing to get dinner ready or some other more important task. I just throw it all in the fridge and find some time in the next day or two to get it done. It really only takes a few minutes, and the results are so rewarding!

And, just like that, all the produce is ready for the week!

I am not a Beachbody coach, but if you would like to learn more about the 21 Day Fix, I recommend getting in touch with my friend Jennifer at Jennifer Medeiros Fit! She's is my awesome coach, and would be able to answer any questions you might have!

I will be sharing my meal plan for this week soon, along with a printable calendar for tracking meals and snacks!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How to rock your mornings!

Hey hey!!
Yesterday, I shared this photo on my Facebook page. These three oils have become such a big part of my mornings. So big, that I will make sure I never run out of them!

The first one all the way on the left is Joy. I honestly was not a big fan of this one when I first got my Premium Starter Kit from Young Living. Until a friend challenged my to put a drop over my heart one morning and see how I felt. All I could say was, "Wow!" I was amazed at how much calmer I felt that morning. Some of the oils in this blend include Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Rosewood, and Lemon. This blend is said to help calm anxiety, relieve tension, and ease stress, among other things! This oil alone is a great start to any day!
The green bottle in the middle is Stress Away. This one is probably my favorite of all the oils in my collection. I mean, the name alone should tell you why! It smells amazing. Lime, vanilla, Cedarwood, and Lavender are some of the oils in this blend. If you follow my Facebook page, you may have seen that we use a blend of Cedarwood and Lavender for our bedtime spray for the kids. You will not believe how quick it calms them all down. Stress Away also helps with stress (obviously!), tension, anxiety, and helps you stay focused. I dab a drop of this one on each wrist after the Joy goes over my heart!
And last, but certainly not least is Valor. This is the new Valor blend from Young Living. It includes Frankincense, Bergamot, Rosewood, and Ylang Ylang in its blend. Along with its calming properties, this uplifting oil also gives feelings of empowerment. I apply a drop on the back of my neck.

There you have it! My three oils essential for a great morning. Since I have been using them, my mornings are so easy to get started! Paired with a good cup of coffee, I feel like I can take on the world! (For a few hours, at least!) :)

Do you have a favorite oil/blend that you use daily? I would love to hear about it!!

For more oil uses, you can visit Life Coastie Style on Facebook

Feel free to message me on Facebook, or leave a comment here if you have any questions!

To purchase your own Starter Kit, or any oils, you can visit Young Living online  Just enter Member/Sponsor # 2322868 :D