
Monday, March 17, 2014

21 Day Fix | Beachbody

First off...Happy St. Patrick's Day! Don't forget to wear green today!!              

 I recently ordered the new 21 Day Fix challenge pack from Beachbody. The box arrived, and inside I found the DVDs for the workouts, a meal plan booklet, and 7 colored containers. I got a little nervous looking at the sizes of the containers and thinking that was all I was going to be able to eat. I calculated my daily calorie allotment, and added 500 because I am nursing. I was so surprised, though, when I actually started planning the meals, and seeing how much food it actually was! It is honestly a lot more than I am used to eating.

                   Before, I was a 'grab whatever is easy' type of eater for breakfast and lunch. This always left me grabbing junk because I didn't have a clear plan and waited until I was starving to get something to eat. I have been so happy knowing that I have healthy food in the pantry, and a plan for eating it all!

I found this Roasted Saigon Cinnamon on my last shopping trip. I had to try it and see how it was different from regular cinnamon. It is SO good! I can't even explain the flavor. It adds such a great taste to everything I have tried it on so far! I can't wait to get back to the store and get more before we move!!

Here is one of my favorite meals so far:

Strawberries and blueberries (1 Purple Cup) with
Yogurt (1 Red Cup)
Topped with Roasted Saigon Cinnamon (Free)

Before I discovered the cinnamon, I would just have the yogurt with strawberries. (don't mind the peach flavored yogurt. I somehow accidentally grabbed it by mistake!) I would also have some cereal with it. This would be a breakfast or snack, depending on how my morning was going!

I will post soon about some lunch and dinner options I have been eating!

To learn more about the 21 Day Fix, or to join the Beachbody team (my friend, Jen is an amazing coach!), click HERE!