
Saturday, February 16, 2013


     Do you have Instagram? If so, leave me your link and I will follow you! You can follow me by clicking on the link at the top left of the page, or by going HERE I frequently join Clickin Moms for their daily glimpse photos, and the photo a day at @fatmumslim when I can remember. I also try to post daily to #lampandlight. Other than that, things can get pretty random! I look forward to seeing you around soon!
     Here are some of the things that happened in January:

You can follow along, too! I would love to see what happens in your every day! You can use the hashtags or post to the facebook page!
I will be sharing a little every month, so stay tuned!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Banana Bread

     I have a very bad habit of buying a big bunch of bananas and letting them go bad. I don't know why. I love bananas. Every time I buy them I tell myself that THIS will be the time that they all get eaten....yeah right...
     The plus side to this is that we always get to have some banana bread. I love banana bread even more than bananas. Maybe I subconsciously leave just enough bananas to go bad for this reason??? Hmmmm. Something to think about!
     This time, Jacob asked if he could make it by himself. Who am I to say no to this?? I gave him the recipe and helped gather the supplies he couldn't reach, and let him have at it! I had tons of fun taking his picture! I have to say he did a pretty darn good job! It was so good that it was gone by the end of the day! I am very proud to say that it was not me {this time} who ate it all!!

I can't wait to let bananas go bad again so we can have more! As soon as I can find the recipe I used, I will post it!!: )

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Picture Hanging and Redecorating Part 2

     I hope you found my last post about rearranging my walls helpful. I am usually one to just "eyeball" it and hope for nice level, evenly spaced things hanging on the walls. Sometimes it works out great. Somtimes I am left making more holes in the wall. I really enjoyed using the paper as a guide for these potential issues. It gave me the exact amount of space I needed for each frame, and let me know if I would have enough room for them all!
     After the hallway was complete, I moved on to the other walls in the house. We recently got a new couch, which meant rearranging the entire livingroom to accomodate it. This also left me with some blank walls that were behind bookcases before. In case you haven't noticed, I hate blank walls. The drive me crazy! Whenever we move to a new place, getting the walls in order is always my first task!
Look how sad these empty walls are! :(  (Minues the stocking hanger I had up for Christmas!)

The livingroom wall was first since I had an idea of what I wanted to do there! First, I hung the family photos that were hanging in the hallway. These went on the smaller wall. Then I hung the "FAMILY" photosthat used to hang on another wall. I like to use all black frames. This allows me to keep all the frames the same colr, but they can all be a different style. I don't think I have any two frames that are the same, but they are all black. I can also move them if I need to without worrying about messing up any other color scheme. Here it is all finished!
Or so I thought! The FAMILY photos have been giving me some hanging issues for a while now, but I could not find anything to replace them...until after I got all the pictures ready for this post! Here is what it looks like now. Hopefully it will get to stay that way for a while.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Post your Wordless Wednesday photos over on my FACEBOOK PAGE! I would love to see what's happening in your life htis week!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tupperware Tuesday!!

     This week, I have decided to continue the sale from last week! Everything you order through me is 20% off! I also have a huge Inventory Sale Album! These items are up to 50% off! It all needs to go!! You can view these items HERE  If you find something you like, just send me an email at and we will get you all set up! :)     

This past Saturday, a new sales flyer also went into effect. There are so many awesome things in there that are not available in the regular catalog! I especially love the bottle cooler and dining trays!! They would both be so perfect for picnics! There are so many great items to choose from this month! And if you place your order before next Tuesday, February 19, you will get an additional 20% the already awesome sale price!! Check it all out:

Which one is your favorite??

Monday, February 11, 2013

Menu Plan Monday!

Monday, Monday, Monday...Again!
     What a week we had last week! We were one of the {un}lucky ones to experience Nemo! There was so much wind and snow. It was CRAZY! One spot we measured in our yard was at 21 inches! And that was a "low" spot! Surprisingly, we didn't lose power this time. I thought for sure we would. Every other time there has been a storm, we were one of the first ones to go out. Not this time, though. We had a bunch of little flickers and one big one, but we didn't lose power at all. I am most happy that we went to the grocery store on Wednesday and got our groceries for the month! We went out to get a few junk food items Thursday and there were people EVERYWHERE! It was so crazy!
     This week's menu is a little less boring than last weeks!! :)
Pesto-stuffed pork chops
Chicken and Sausage Paella in the Crock Pot
Eggplant parmesan and spaghetti
Sloppy joes, fries, salad
Pot Roast
Most of the recipes I have planned this month came from the Better Homes and Gardens Recipe book that has been sitting on the shelf for years, untouched! I went in looking for a biscuit recipe a few weeks ago, and found all these great things I have been missing!

What are you eating this week??
If you need some ideas, head over to I'm an Organizing Junkie!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Well, almost!
Last week, for our Art time, we decided to make Valentines crafts. Kyle even got to join in the fun. He finger-painted a canvas that I taped the word "LOVE" on. Would you believe he had 6 different colors to choose from? Once he realized how much fun he could have getting his hands in the paint, he went all out! All the colors got to be best friends! At least they blended together nicely!
Jacob helped me choose papers and cut out letters and shapes on the Cricut. We also made a flower pot thing that we found on Pinterest. I can't seem to find the link now. If I ever find it again, I will be sure to link back to the original poster! If you happen to come across it, let me know so I can add it!! :) Jacob had a lot of fun being creative and painting the papers for the heart flowers. Since we only made one to fit on an 8x10 paper, we had some painted paper left over. We did not want to waste it, so we framed it! I especially love the striped one Jacob did! We added a little white heart to give it some contrast. It is sitting on the entertainment center now. I love looking at it every day!
I have to get to the store and get more canvases so we can make more crafts for the month of March!! I love being able to craft with my kids! I am so glad they enjoy it, too!! :)

Kyle getting his finger paint on!
