
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Makeup Brushes- A Cleaning How-to!

    A few days ago, I was reading an article about cleaning your makeup brushes. This got me thinking and I realized I haven't cleaned my make-up brushes in a while. Like a LONG whle. I don't know why, but this is not something that I often think of doing. When I do decide to clean them, it's always in the middle of the day, I end up needing them later in the day, and they ALL get washed at once, so they are all wet. So, to make it easy, I just put it off until the next day. And the next...You get the picture!
    Anyways...not cleaning your makeup brushes means all kinds of gross stuff (bacteria!!) is hiding inside! Not to mention all the makeup that doesn't go on your face! This means every time you change color, there is still some of the last color left behind. This results in the color you want not coming out right! I have been noticing my pinks just aren't the right shade. And when I use my bronzer, the color is much more intense.
    Not any more!!
Here is a photo of my brushes before their bath! These two were the last ones I cleaned, and they are the least used, so they don't appear to be too dirty and gross!

   First, I got a plastic cup that I could throw away, just in case they got messy! Then I grabbed the baby's shampoo. It is a mild soap, so it won't cause any skin irritations! I squirted just a little in the bottom of the cup, and added some warm water. You don't want to add too much water, just enough to cover the brush part. Getting the metal wet could cause rust and the glue to separate and ruin your brush!
   I swirled the brushes around (one at a time) in the soapy water. Once I started doing this, I saw just how dirty my brushes were! Even the ones that I thought were relatively clean! This is the water from the "cleanest" one! Notice earlier how I said they didn't {appear} to be too dirty and gross!


And a little dirtier one!
   I kept dumping the dirty water out and adding clean warm water (no more soap, enough was still in the brush!) until it started to beocme clear. Then, rinse the brush in warm water. Make sure to press all the excess water out and get the brush back to its natural shape. Lay them flat on a towel to dry! That's it! So easy! I even did them at night, when I knew I wouldn't need them soon, so they could dry in peace. Here they are, all clean and happy! They are so much softer, too!

I am definitely going to stay on top of cleaning these guys every few weeks. Makeup brushes can get expensive, so it is good to take care of them!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tupperware Tuesday!

     Since I have been so busy and slacking with the Tupperware postings, I promised a sale! This week, until next Tuesday, Fecruary 12,  everyone who mentions this blog can receive 20% off your entire purchase!! All you have to do is let me know what you would like to order, and you will receive the discount!  How's that for a sale? You can view all that Tupperware has to offer HERE and then you can email me at :D I can't wait to hear from you!

     I'm also going to share with you all the fun things that are on sale this week. These sales will be ending on Friday, February 8th, so if you would like any of these items, the order needs to be placed before then. Guess what the best part is?? Everything that is on sale can still qualify for an additional 20% off!!
A few weeks ago I shared about the new sales flyer. These items are still on sale. This week, however, there are also new items added to the list of sales! Some of these items are not available in the full catalog, so they are extra exciting! Like this:
Do you see all that awesome goodness?? The items on this flyer are not available online, they can only be ordered through me. AND- they can also be purchased at an additional 20% off!! Don't forget, these sales end on Friday!! :)

 I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

  Last week was insane! Especially Monday and Tuesday! It was Wednesday before I realized I missed Menu Plan Monday AND Tupperware Tuesday! As far as my menu goes for last week, it was nothing special. Mostly due to the fact that I was so busy. I also went to Connecticut Friday and Saturday for a photography meetup.
     Since this is a new month, that means I had to write up a new menu. I don't know why, but I felt totally unmotivated to do this. I am pretty worn out from last week, so maybe that's why. I did push myself to get something together for this week. I ended up lanning for the whole month, too! Once I started, I just kept on going! I may change it, though. We'll see! For this week, we have:

Spaghetti (exciting, right?)

Crock pot chicken, rice, and vegetables

Tostada pizza

Pesto-stuffed pork chops



Greek chicken and pita bake

     After typing this up, I realize how boring it looks! Did I mention I had NO motivation?! Haha I am working on getting photos together of some of the meals we eat frequently. Maybe once this is done, it will all look a bit more exciting!
     What are you eating this week?

I am linking up with I'm an Organizing Junkie!!