
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tupperware Tuesday

I am going to start a Tupperware Tuesday. For those of you that know me, you know I sell Tupperware, and most of you know how much I really love the product. I am going to (try) each week to showcase a product I love, something new, or some good product info. All Tupperware realted, of course. Who knows, there might even me some awesome recipes to go along with some of the products! :) I hope you all enjoy learning about the company I love!
 I would also love to hear from you! If you have a Tupperware product that is your favorite, let me know! If you have never seen/heard of Tupperware, let me know! I will be more than happy to fill you in on all its awesomeness!
To start off this week, I will just share how much I adore the new Disney Tumblers that came out this month! They are SO stinkin cute! They are called Peek-A-Boo Tumblers!
Don't you just love them, too?! And, of course, they are on sale! You can view them through my page, which can be found through the tab at the top, or you can get the direct link here
Next week, I will be sharing one of my absolute favorite products!! :D
I hope to see you then! Please feel free to share your thoughts~

I am also linking up today with the Hip Homeschool Hop!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Veteran's Day!

I skipped Menu plan Monday last week. I skipped a lot last week. I was not feeling well most of the week and had a few things I wanted to get done before we are visting with family for Thanksgiving. I don't think I was on the computer for more than an hour at all the entire week. It was great. I am usually on editing, posting, making lesson plans, etc. during every nap time and every night after bedtime. Not last week! I will try to make up for it this week as we prepare for our out of town visit!
I have my menu all ready for the week:
Monday: I made a casserole in the crock pot over night for breakfast this morning!
                For dinner we are having Taco Soup
Tuesday: Cheesy Chicken and Rice
Wednesday:  Shepherd's Pie
Thursday:  Gumbo
Friday:  Salami, Spinach, & Provolone Pizza

Most of the recipes this week are new, so I am looking forward to trying them all! :)
Don't forget to head over to I'm an Organizing Junkie for more menu ideas!
And for the weekend, who knows what we will be eating. We are leaving early (EARLY) Saturday morning to begin our journey!

The rest of this week will include packing, a little tidying up, editing and emails, school, and hopefully time to make some cupcakes! :)

See you soon!