
Monday, March 24, 2014

{Another} 21 Day Fix Breakfast

  I have never been much of a breakfast eater (when I have to make it for myself) I think I am too lazy in the mornings to decide what to eat, then take the time to make it, when coffee is faster. It's a totally different story if we happen to go out for breakfast! Then I'm all for it!
However, since starting the 21 day fix and planning my meals,  it has become so much easier to jaut get up and get it done. Last week, I shared my new favorite yogurt and berries with that awesome Saigon cinnamon recipe. Today, I had something a little more traditional.
I tried really hard to make an omelet, but I'm not that great at it. Throw in the face that we just got new cookware that I am trying to figure out, and the thought of an omelet was hopeless! So...I have for you a deconstructed omelet. They're my favorite type of omelet at home! :)
This meal used two red containers, one green container, and one blue container, and one teaspoon of extra-virgin olive oil. 

Green cup- bell peppers, onions, spinach, salsa
Red cup- 2 eggs
Red cup- diced ham
Blue cup- one slice Monterey Jack cheese, torn into small pieces

I started by heating the oil in a pan. Once it was not enough, I added my peppers and onions. When they started to get soft, I added the spinach and let it wilt. Then, I added the ham and let it all cook together for a minute. I added the eggs to the pan last, and cooked them until they were no longer runny. I removed it all from the pan onto my plate and added the cheese pieces. It melted so nicely! 
I topped it all with some salsa, because I just can't eat an omelet without salsa! I also added a little pepper because I love pepper on my eggs.

It was delicious! And filling!

Give it a try!   I know you will love it!
If you make it with anything different, I would love to hear your suggestions!

To learn more about the 21 Day Fix, or to join the Beachbody team (my friend Jen is an amazing coach!), click HERE!