
Thursday, November 1, 2012

21 months

That is how old Kyle turned in October. I can't believe how much time has gone by already! October was a very productive month for Kyle. He learned so many new words and started getting into so much more!
He has also found out that he really loves helping me cook. It doesn't matter what I am making, he will draga chair over from the table and help with whatever he can!

Waiting for Hurricane Sandy

I love watching every day as he learns something new, or discovers a new way do get into something!
Kyle's list of words now includes:
* Please (usually sounds like meeee, but we know what it means)
* Baby
* More please ( sounds like mo meee)
* Eat (usually said to Jacob at the dinner table!)
* Nugget (his favorite!)
* See (Usually yelled at me when I have my camera! He wants to see everything I take a picture of!)
* Candy
* Tea (Every time I open the fridge and he sees the tea pitcher!)
* Go
* Bat
* Pumpkin
* And he has learned the sounds a police car, ambulance, and fire truck make (Insert siren sounds!)

I can't wait to see what the month of November brings!

Monday, October 29, 2012

It's Monday again!!

And that means it is Menu Plan Monday again! we missed a few dinners last week due to dinner with friends, and some schedule conflicts, so if you see a repeat from last week, that is why! :)
Here is the menu I am *planning* on cooking, as long as Sandy doesn't have other plans for our power!

Monday:         Upside down fettucini bake (I may make an extra to freeze if I have enough!)
Tuesday:         Tater Tot Casserole (Another extra freezer meal)
Wednesday:    Chili in the Crock Pot and Cornbread (A Halloween staple!)
Thursday:        Chicken enchiladas
Friday:             Homemade Pizza!
Saturday:         Savory Chicken and rice
Sunday:           Pork Chops and Fried Apples with green beans

I will be posting my chili recipe in the "Recipe" section of my blog. I would love to know what you are having for dinner this week!

For more great recipe ideas, head on over to I'm an Organizing Junkie's page!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Earlier this year I came across the Home Storage Solutions 101's 52 Weeks to an Organized Home Challenge. I joined the challenge and I was pretty surprised at how organized I already was. Then the summer came. And back to school. And sports, and so many other random things that I feel like our house is SO UNorganized! I received my weekly challenge email last week, and decided it was time to get it back together. This week's challenge seemed like an easy one to get back into it all.  This week the challenge was to organize makeup and cosmetics. All mine really do have a home already, so all I needed to do was pick it all up off my dresser, nightstand, and out of my purse and put it back to its home!!

I keep some of my makeups separated in old flower vases. They all came from my husband, and I thought they were much better looking than the plain clear ones, so I didn't want to get rid of them. I also used a basket from Bath & Body Works for larger items, and a jar that I broke the lid to for my brushes!
I was even able to get the rest of my dresser organized sine all the makeup was picked up!
It looks so much better! AND- it has even been that way for three days now!
I can't wait for next week's challenge!!